It will take time and planning to follow the entire path from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Server 2016. Upgrades involve costs for hardware (SQL servers must also be upgraded), software, and administration. Also, customizations may need to be upgraded or even abandoned. Be sure that you document critical customizations before you upgrade your SharePoint Server farm.
This poster illustrates the various paths you can take to avoid Office 2010 client and server products and Windows 7 end of support, with preferred paths and option supports in Microsoft 365 Enterprise highlighted.
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01/17/2019 11:09:23 1 INF SPFarm.Local returned null. This usually means that the server is not joined. But, you can delete a server from the configdb without unjoining, which would mean that this machine still thinks it is joined.01/17/2019 11:09:23 1 INF Trying to access the server farm connection string01/17/2019 11:09:23 1 INF Entering function TaskCommon.TryGetWssVersion4ConnectionStringExists01/17/2019 11:09:23 1 INF Entering function RegistryHelper.RegistryHelper01/17/2019 11:09:23 1 INF The RegistryHelper has the key name as Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\15.0\Secure\ConfigDB and the registry hive as LocalMachine01/17/2019 11:09:23 1 INF Leaving function RegistryHelper.RegistryHelper01/17/2019 11:09:23 1 INF Entering function RegistryHelper.GetValue01/17/2019 11:09:23 1 INF Leaving function RegistryHelper.GetValue01/17/2019 11:09:23 1 INF Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 registry key Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\15.0\Secure\ConfigDB\dsn exists and its value is NOT empty01/17/2019 11:09:23 1 INF Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 connection string exists01/17/2019 11:09:23 1 INF Leaving function TaskCommon.TryGetWssVersion4ConnectionStringExists01/17/2019 11:09:23 1 INF Discovered a v4 connection string and SPFarm.Local indicates that this machine is not joined. This is possible during B2B upgrade.
Here, we checked SharePoint 2016 installation step by step and also hardware and software requirements for SharePoint server 2016. And, what are managed accounts in SharePoint and how to register a managed account in SharePoint server 2016. Also, we have checked the new features of sharepoint 2016 and sharepoint 2016 deprecated features. 2ff7e9595c